Patching guide for parents

Here at we understand the issues that can arise throughout the patching process. We have worked with both orthoptists and parents to compile a list of tips to help your child have an enjoyable and stress-free patching experience.


Patching guide for parents


How to apply the patch

  • Clean and thoroughly dry the eye area where the patch is to be applied. Remove backing on the patch and if your child’s skin is sensitive you can stick the patch to your hand 2-3 times to remove some adhesive making it easier to remove the patch.
  • To prevent pulling, close both eyes in a relaxed manner – no squinting.
  • Align eye patch over advised eye, narrow portion toward the nose.
  • Make sure the dark occlusive patch covers the eye area.
  • Gently press adhesive edges to the skin, making sure to not to pull skin.
  • Change eye patch daily. Some parents/users will trim the adhesive, so it does not stick to the eyebrows.


How to remove the patch

  • Begin at the nose side of the patch; loosen the outer edges of the patch.
  • Using a “low & slow” motion, peel the patch towards the ear, keeping it close to the skin surface and pull back over itself.
  • If needed, gently press the eyelid away from the eye patch.
  • Removing eye patch at an angle will pull the skin and increase the risk of redness and irritation.


If your child is experiencing irritation or difficulty removing the patch – what can we do?

  • Try coating the area around the eye with a thin layer of calamine lotion, allow to dry and then place patch on this thin layer. To remove the patch, coat the outside of the patch with Vaseline or baby oil 15 minutes before removing it to loosen the adhesive a bit.
  • Alternate turning of the patch, small side in toward nose, then the next day large size toward nose.


We thank you for choosing as your patch provider and wish you and your child the best of luck on your patching journey.